It’s been…a week.

Monday: Microsoft 365 experienced a massive blackout, cutting off email access to anyone who uses it (like my mother and her business). Simultaneously, I discovered my own Gmail wasn’t working for unrelated reasons—and it didn’t get fixed for another day. Fun! 🫠

Tuesday: Found out my author email STILL wasn’t working, the issues with my proof copy had still yet to be fixed (but hey, more stock? 😅), an order from a bookstore to stock Ithandryll was never alerted in the system, and the serious issues making IngramSpark lock up my account over their error were still in the wind.

Wednesday: Snowed in due to a massive blizzard. At least I don’t have to wear pants! 😆

So what’s the GOOD news?

Email is up and running!

I have an extra copy of Ithandryll in my bookstore!

I’ll soon be stocked in a new indie bookstore (details to come, promise)!

After sending a *VERY* firm email reminding them of FTC regulations, IngramSpark unlocked my account, erased the fees, and everything is good to go!

And Ithandryll is 75% OFF on Smashwords now until March 8th 😎

Some more good news via Heir of Oberon:

Alpha Reads are DONE

Which means editing is well underway and I am stoked.

The initial responses from my AMAZING Alpha Readers have been encouraging, critical in the best way, and are now demanding I get to work on the next book. What a *win*!

Officially, ARCs for Heir of Oberon will be distributed April 6th

But if the editing goes as smoothly as I want it to (stop laughing), I might decide to distribute them a bit early. TBD.

In either case, I’ll be posting the ARC link to the main newsletter—which is what you’re reading—and to the exclusive ARC Team communications and Discord channel. This will give everyone the opportunity to read, review, and rave over the second installment of the Song of the Sidhe series 🤩

So if you’re excited for the new release but still need to read Ithandryll (Book One and very much needed to fully enjoy Book Two), now is the perfect time to take advantage of that Smashwords sale!

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